About Us

Dental Specialties Northwest is a place of comfort, care, and luxury. We offer world-class services from our renowned and respected dentists, Dr. Tom Sweeney and Dr. Rhys Spoor. Our dentists have years of experience and continued training, and are dedicated to making your smile the best it has ever been. Both are highly specialized in dental implantology; Dr. Sweeney has additional expertise in periodontics.

Monday-Thursday: 7am to 4pm 701 5th Ave, Suite 4660, Seattle, WA 98104 206-682-8200 info@dentalspecialtiesnorthwest.com

Dental Specialties Northwest


Understanding Bone Grafting and Why You May Need It

If you’ve been to the dentist recently and been told that you need bone grafting surgery, you may be wondering what that means.

Dental Specialties Northwest explains that bone grafting is a common dental procedure that can help restore lost bone in the jaw. This is often necessary for dental implant placement or other restorative procedures.

What is Bone Grafting?

A graft is a surgical procedure in which bone tissue is transplanted from one part of the body (or a donor) to another. Bone grafting is  used to restore lost bone in the jaw. This may be necessary due to periodontal disease, injury, or the removal of a tooth. All of these can lead to bone loss.

There are several types of bone grafts, including autografts, allografts, and xenografts. An autograft involves taking bone tissue from the patient’s own body, usually from the hip or chin. An allograft uses bone tissue from a human donor, and a xenograft uses bone tissue from an animal donor, such as a cow.

Why You Might  Need a Graft

There are several reasons why Dr. Rhys Spoor, Dr. Richard Ansong, and Dr. Thomas Sweeney may recommend a bone graft. One of the most common is to prepare for dental implant placement.

In order for the implant to be successful, there must be enough healthy bone in the jaw. If there is not enough bone, a bone graft may be necessary.

In addition to implant placement, grafting may be necessary for other restorative procedures. These include bridges and dentures. Furthermore grafting is also  used to repair bone that damaged by peridontitis or injury.

What to Expect During Bone Grafting

If you need bone grafting, Dr. Rhys Spoor, Dr. Richard Ansong, and Dr. Thomas Sweeney will conduct a thorough examination to determine how much bone you have lost and what type of graft would be best.

The surgery involves making a small incision in the gum tissue and placing the bone graft material in the affected area. The area is then be covered with a membrane and the sutured closed.

After the procedure, you may experience some manageable discomfort and swelling. Dr. Rhys Spoor, Dr. Richard Ansong, and Dr. Thomas Sweeney will provide you with specific instructions on how to care for the affected area and will schedule a follow-up appointment to monitor the healing process.

The Dentists Dentist in Seattle WA

Bone grafting is a common dental procedure that can help restore lost bone in the jaw, making it possible to place dental implants and other restorative procedures. If you’ve been told that you need a bone graft, don’t be alarmed as you are in the best hands.

Schedule a consultation today.